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Genomic Data


Many of the subjects with biomaterials in the NRGR have genomic data (sequence or high density SNP array) available for use by approved researchers. Some of this data is housed at the NRGR, some at collaborating repositories. The NRGR also has genomic datasets from several studies that do not have biomaterials at the NRGR. This section provides information about all subjects with biomaterials and genomic data housed anywhere, as well as all the genomic datasets housed at NRGR, including those without corresponding biomaterials.

Biospecimens with Genomic Data

Genomic data is available on over 22,000 NRGR samples. While some of this data is available from Download Data, many of the datasets are housed elsewhere (learn about collaborating repositories). You can search for samples in a disorder collection with genomic data using Data Explorer. Everyone can use Data Explorer to obtain summary counts of numbers of subjects with genomic data. Individuals with approved access to a collection can use Data Explorer to obtain lists of individual samples with associated genomic data.

Showing 1-10 of 11 Results
CollectionData TypeTotalData at NRGRStudiesData at dbGaPStudiesNotes
Data Type
Data at NRGR
Data at dbGaP
Data Type
Data at NRGR
Data at dbGaP
ADHD Array 1,786 1,786 25
Autism Array 4,032 1,223 4, 10, 14, 21, 33 2,920 4, 21, 32, 36, 41, 44, 50, 64, 65, 79
Autism Sequence 1,632 1,632 4, 21, 32, 36, 41, 4, 50, 63, 64, 65, 79
Bipolar Array 3,007 1,998 0, 1, 2, 19 1,415 0, 1, 40
Controls Array 4,582 549 19, 29 4,033 19, 29
Controls Sequence 912 912 29
Depression Array 3,172 3,172 18, 52, 88
Depression Sequence 451 451 88 Additional subjects in Controls; RNASeq
OCD Array 1,247 1,247 16, 66
Schizophrenia Array 4,574 741 17 3,833 0, 6, 27, 29
CollectionData TypeTotalData at NRGRStudiesData at dbGaPStudiesNotes

Genomic Datasets

29 genomic datasets are available via our website. These datasets include high-density SNP array genotypes, RNAseq, and whole exome sequencing. While most are available for download, larger datasets are delivered via shipped hard drive. Everyone can browse the list of files available in each disorder collection in Download Data. Approved users may download or request available datasets. Not all datasets are independent, some may have subject overlap. Most, but not all, of these datasets have subjects with biomaterials at the NRGR. Additional lower-density genetic datasets are available for many samples. Please review the disorder download data pages for details.

Showing 1-10 of 29 Results
CollectionStudy NameNRGR Studies IncludedSamplesDesignData TypePlatformFile TypesNotes
Study Name
NRGR Studies Included
Data Type
File Types
Study Name
NRGR Studies Included
Data Type
File Types
Autism JHU-Autism-1 4, 14, 21 522 Family GWAS Array Affymetrix 500K PLINK, CEL
CEL files available via hard drive
Data in Autism Dataset 3
Autism JHU-Autism-2 4, 14, 21 743 Family GWAS Array Affymetrix 5.0 PLINK, CEL
CEL files available via hard drive
Data in Autism Dataset 3
Autism AGP/TASC 65 2,893 Trios GWAS Array Illumina 1M PLINK
935 Families
Data in Autism Dataset 4
Bipolar Pritzker BP0, 29 1,956 Case-Control GWAS Array Illumina 550K PLINK, logR/BAF
logR/BAF files available via hard drive
Data in Bipolar Dataset 11
Bipolar STEP-BD 19 2,453 Case-Control GWAS Array Affymetrix 5.0 PLINK
955 Cases
Data in Bipolar Dataset 16.01
Bipolar Colombia/Costa Rica 71 837 Family GWAS Array Illumina Omni 2.5 PLINK
26 Families
Samples from BP Study 71
Data in Bipolar Dataset 31
Bipolar PGC-BP PGC-Psychiatric GWAS Consortium: Including GAIN (BP0, 1, 40), STEP-BD (19), MGS for controls (SZ0, 6, 29) 7,274 Case-Control GWAS Array Multiple PLINK
7 cohorts available, some at NRGR
3,803 Total Cases
Imputed Genotypes on 2.5M SNPs
Controls Broad-Controls 19 (STEP-BD), 29 (MGS) 1,698 Controls Only GWAS Array Affymetrix 500K PLINK, CEL
CEL files available via hard drive
Data in Controls Dataset 1
Controls SICCA 29 26 Controls Only GWAS Array Illumina Omni 2.5M PLINK Data in Controls Dataset 3
Depression STAR*D-1 18 964 Cases Only GWAS Array Affymetrix 500K PLINK Data in Depression Dataset 2
CollectionStudy NameNRGR Studies IncludedSamplesDesignData TypePlatformFile TypesNotes