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Controls 9.5

The Controls (CT) Distribution v9.5 was published on 2025-02-12. There are 20321 individuals, 20321 of whom have at least one biosample on record at the repository.

Standard Data & Documentation

  • Distribution Bundle [ or ]: Standard files across disorders, containing demographic, diagnostic, and pedigree information. Sampled (formerly IBX) sample IDs (nrgr_bio_id) and consent level are also provided. Bundle includes data dictionaries.
  • Study Descriptions.
  • .

Additional Data Files

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • Broad-controls. Affymetrix GeneChip Human 500K Mapping Array Set on 1,698 control samples from NIMH Studies 19 and 29. PLINK files available for download. Due to the large size of the files, raw .CEL files are shipped by request. Contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com to obtain file and reference your active access approval ID.

Clinical Instruments


Diagnostic Interview for Psychosis and Affective Disorders (DI-PAD) - The tab-delimited text format DI-PAD interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DI-PAD versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "README_Other_cleaning.pdf" included in the download.

Data for Study 76 cases can be found in the Schizophrenia (SZ) collection, and Study 77 cases can be found in the Bipolar (BP) collection

Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • MGS - Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia MULTIPLE - Studies 29 CT Dataset 37 CNV detection with Birdsuite software of Affymetrix 6.0 genotyping array calls. Subjects were part of the Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia study. Cases: 0, Controls: 3851. Analysis data files provided by Dr. Douglas F. Levinson. Case data is available with Schizophrenia collection access.

This study does not have any additional genetic or clinical data. All study data is included in the standard distribution files above.

Clinical Instruments


Genetic Data

Full Genome Genotyping

  • SICCA: NIMH controls only. PLINK files from Illumina HumanOmni2.5-4v1 array, 26 subjects.
Clinical Instruments


This study does not have any additional genetic or clinical data. All study data is included in the standard distribution files above.

This study does not have any additional genetic or clinical data. All study data is included in the standard distribution files above.

This study does not have any additional genetic or clinical data. All study data is included in the standard distribution files above.

MULTIPLE — Studies STEP-BD (19), MGS (29)

  • Broad-controls. Affymetrix GeneChip Human 500K Mapping Array Set on 1,698 control samples from NIMH Studies 19 and 29. PLINK files available for download. Due to the large size of the files, raw .CEL files are shipped by request. Contact help@nrgr.on.spiceworks.com to obtain file and reference your active access approval ID.

MULTIPLE — Study 29 Controls (full dataset in SZ collection)

  • MGS - Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia MULTIPLE - Studies 29 CT Dataset 37 CNV detection with Birdsuite software of Affymetrix 6.0 genotyping array calls. Subjects were part of the Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia study. Cases: 0, Controls: 3851. Analysis data files provided by Dr. Douglas F. Levinson. Case data is available with Schizophrenia collection access.

Study 29 — Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia

  • SICCA: NIMH controls only. PLINK files from Illumina HumanOmni2.5-4v1 array, 26 subjects.

MULTIPLE — Studies GPC (76), ICCBD (77)

  • Control Screening Data (GPC) [ or ] Data for Study 76 cases can be found in the Schizophrenia (SZ) collection, and Study 77 cases can be found in the Bipolar (BP) collection

Study 23 — Genetic Susceptibility in Schizophrenia

Study 29 — Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia

MULTIPLE — Studies GPC (76), ICCBD (77)

Diagnostic Interview for Psychosis and Affective Disorders (DI-PAD) - The tab-delimited text format DI-PAD interview files provided below are cleaned versions of those received from the original study investigators. While they retain the record layouts and variable naming of their respective DI-PAD versions, they have had invalid values corrected or removed, date fields converted to a standard format, and their various missing/ unknown values converted to standard textual metavalues in order to avoid misinterpretation. Further details on the cleaning that has been performed are included in the file "README_Other_cleaning.pdf" included in the download.

Data for Study 76 cases can be found in the Schizophrenia (SZ) collection, and Study 77 cases can be found in the Bipolar (BP) collection